A World Beyond Labels:

Let's Erase Caste Bias!

Working to resolve the issue of caste discrimination plaguing resettled communities in Australia. 


Volunteers In 2020


People We Helped In 2020

$ 0 K

Funds We Collected

Help The Poors With Cohesion Matters Organization

We Are World WIde Organization

In a world striving for inclusivity and unity, our charity remains unwavering in its commitment to abolishing caste-based discrimination tied to surnames. We firmly believe that diversity is a source of strength, not division. Our mission is to foster a society where individuals are not confined by the limitations of their last names. We envision a world where merit, character, and abilities are what define a person’s opportunities and worth. To achieve this vision, our charity diligently works to educate communities, challenge stereotypes, and promote an environment of understanding and acceptance. We firmly believe that, as a collective, we can create a future free from caste discrimination, where the ties of humanity transcend the shackles of lineage, and where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.”


Be the Change You Want to See – Donate Now to Break the Chains of Caste Discrimination

Protect and enhance Equality.
23 Cases Report
Donation Needed
32 Cases Report
Donation Needed
55 Cases Report
Donation Needed
68 Cases Report
Donation Needed

Organization Causes

Protect and enhance Equality above All.

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

We actively supported individuals facing discrimination and caste-based harassment by providing legal aid and guidance. This has helped many victims seek justice and protection under the law.

Multiple Event & Conference

Stay updated to all events held at here

We Need Donations

Help us raise
$1,200 Raised so far $5,000 Our Goal

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All donations are tax deductable.
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Donation Total: $100

We’re worldwide non-profit charity.

Give A Helping Hand For Needy People

Ultimately, your donations contribute to the vision of a caste-free society where individuals are judged based on their character, talents, and contributions, rather than their surnames. Your support actively promotes equality, unity, and social harmony, benefiting not only individuals but the entire community and society at large. Your donation helps create a more inclusive and just world for everyone.

We Help Thousand Of Peoples

Our Volunteers

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